Ephesians 5:33: Each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband.
Men and women are very different when it comes to what they want in relationships, but that’s no secret. Girls grow up wanting to be princesses who meet their Prince Charming with True Love’s Kiss. As teenagers, they swoon over musicians singing love songs and sigh when the guy gets the girl at the end of the movie. They want to be loved and pursued like the girls from the songs and movies.
Boys grow up pretending to be soldiers, cops, firemen, and super heroes. As teenagers, they do what they can to prove they’re tough and fearless.They want people to see them as brave and strong.
It doesn’t change all that much when we grow up. Women want more than anything to feel loved and men want to feel respected. In fact, research shows that 74 percent of men said if they had to choose, they’d rather be alone and unloved than be disrespected! That says a lot, doesn’t it?
So ladies, take some time this week to tell your man what you respect about him! And men, show your ladies why you love them! That sharing of love and respect will go miles.