
If ever God needed representatives here on Earth, it is now ... not compromisers, but genuine spokesmen for truth and righteousness. People desperately need help, counsel, and most of all direction, because they are lost.

Now, Jesus expects you and I to lead them home --  not only by words, but more importantly by example.

The Oxford Dictionary defines the word Ambassador as such : “permanent representative in a foreign country”.

So that means people who are far from home, when they are lost, confused, misplaced, need help, we should be on hand to assist them with whatever their needs would be.

It could be just a smile, a pat on the back, a home-cooked meal, a listening ear or a word of advice from the Bible.

Just something to keep them going until they reach their final destination, Heaven.

Remember God’s children are foreigners here on Earth. This place is not our permanent home. Heaven is our home.  That’s correct; we are merely sojourners just passing through.  So, when God’s folk are stranded, we need to be ready to help them in any way possible.

What an incredible privilege to be counted an ambassador for the King of Kings!

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