An Attitude of Gratitude

How’s your gratitude? Do you tend to be thankful or thankless? There’s an Indian Proverb that says: “Do not blame God for having created the tiger, but thank him for not giving it wings.” It sounds a bit funny but it’s a great attitude check!

You may be going through a really tough time in your life and don’t feel very grateful. When I find myself in this condition I start thinking about all I do have to be thankful for in spite of my challenges and difficulties. It’s amazing how my attitude begins to change.

Sometimes it’s just as simple as being aware of things that I normally take for granted like electricity, running water, food in my refrigerator, and even clothes to wear. There are lots of people in the world who are without these basic necessities that I so often – and so easily - take for granted.

Living in a culture of instant gratification can often cloud our thinking. There seems to be a prevailing attitude that says “I want what I want and I want it now!” We have to make a conscious effort to change our thoughts so we can adjust our focus.

Take a few minutes to list everything – and everyone you have to be thankful for. This little exercise may surprise you. It might even be something you want to keep handy on your phone, tablet or even a piece of paper so you can review it frequently.

And remember to frequently thank God in prayer for the many things He’s given you. An attitude of thankfulness and praise are a great combo that we too often neglect. It’s something we should practice every day.

The Bible reminds us to “Be thankful in all circumstances for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus” (1 Thessalonians 5:18 NLT)

When we take some time to really think about what it means for us to belong to Jesus, life takes on new meaning. Our priorities and outlook in life transform.

Make an effort to develop an attitude of gratitude.


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