An Ear to Hear

Jesus’ exhortation, “He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches,” is repeated to each of the seven churches in the book of Revelation. Rather than being redundant, the repetition is intentional and emphasizes the need to carefully take in and respond to what is being said.

Before focusing on the messages to the individual churches, we want to take a bird’s-eye view of the letters to all the churches. Take time to read through Revelation chapters two and three. (Don’t let this assignment overwhelm you! It takes five to seven minutes for an average reader to cover these two chapters.) As you read, look for patterns (repeated elements) in the letters.


If Jesus sent a personalized letter to your local church, what do you think He might say?

It can be tempting to focus on the problems and “negatives” in our churches. Make a list of “positives” or “commendations” that would apply to your local church. Spend some time thanking the Lord for those things.

If your list includes specific leaders or others in the church who have been a blessing, assisted in your spiritual growth, or encouraged you in some way, consider sending a thank you note expressing how God has used them in your life.

Adapted from Learning From the Churches of Revelations Based on the Teachings of Nancy Leigh DeMoss

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