An Enemy of God’s Presence

The times we most long for a sense of God’s presence in our lives are our times of crisis. Why does he seem so distant in those times? Because one of the greatest enemies of his presence is worry. He’s with us all the time, of course, but he rarely manifests his presence in anxious hearts. Anxiety creates a climate that’s unfriendly to the Spirit. And we get anxious in a crisis—when we most need him.

Anxiety, fear, and worry are normal for fallen creatures, of course, but they are also symptoms of mistrust. They make a statement that perhaps our problems are bigger than God is, or that perhaps his love is not going to cover us well. We have an implicit bias against the thought that he might actually give us joy, pleasure, or comfort, as though he’s the grandparent who always gives you socks for Christmas rather than the lover who fulfills the desire of your heart. We tend to focus on the negatives rather than who he really is.

Choose a different focus. Shift your eyes from the problems to the Provider. Whatever you gaze at becomes bigger in your own sight. God needs to occupy your vision far more than any obstacle or issue. As he does, his presence becomes more and more real—even in the midst of a crisis.

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