Who are you?
Really. Who are you?
In a world like this, it is more than easy to allow ourselves to get caught up in things that the world deems as important or necessary: fashion, beauty, all the ungodly and wrong ways that make a perfect and secular relationship, how to lose 8 pounds in only two weeks, you get the point.
FACT: Losing our identity is very easy to do, but getting it back is even harder.
It breaks my heart that we live in a world that focuses all of its attention on the things that we are not called to focus our attention on. This is a major spectrum that we're dealing with here. On one end, we've got of the world, on the other lies in the world. You see, to be of the world and in the world are two entirely separate entities.
When you are of the world, you are focused on the lies that society feeds us daily. You swallow those lies and associate yourself with them in order to be accepted. In other words, your ears are tuned in to everything except for the voice of God.
When you are in the world, you realize that our society is not what shapes our identity but rather something that needs change, and lots of it. When you are in the world, you realize that you are called to rise above this world as the image that you were born with and are called to wear as your identity daily. Ladies, you were born in the image of God and you are called to walk in this image as long as you walk on this earth. Do not distort this beautiful, divine image by focusing your attention and associating yourself with the things that do more harm than they will ever do good.
Identity is a major concern for women of all ages. Know that God chooses you—every single day—to walk with His heavenly radiance and to reflect His image in a world that so desperately needs it.
It is so easy for many of us to look in the mirror with fear of what we'll see. As a result of this, we become discouraged with the image we see staring back at us. Next time you look in the mirror, I want you to do so with courage and confidence. Not only that, but I want you to tell yourself that God created you with each and every one of His good and right intentions. And as a result of this, you are His rare and beautiful jewel that none other can compare to in His eyes. You are His.
I have put my heart through so much damage with words that have come out of my own mouth because of how unhappy I have been with my physical appearance at times. This world that we live in wastes so much of its time judging, comparing, bickering, critiquing, and Photoshopping women who are beautiful just the way that they are in order to tell those who drive by that billboard or lay eyes on that advertisement that we should look like a computer generated image.
At one point in my life, I was determined to be society's version of beautiful and tried everything I could think of to achieve "the look." Truth is Ladies, you were born in the image of God and you are called to walk in this image as long as you walk on this Earth. If we allow ourselves to be of this world, no matter how beautiful we may be in the eyes of the world, we'll never be fully satisfied with ourselves. Our society has distorted the true meaning of beauty and it is important that we do not allow the brokenness of this world to tell us who we are. We do not belong to this world, and the only thing we can ever be fully satisfied in is in Christ.
Beauty doesn't mean flawless. Beauty doesn't mean skinny. Beauty doesn't mean perfect.
Beauty is a heart of faith. Beauty is a gentle and quiet spirit. Beauty is selflessness. Beauty is sacrifice. Beauty is loving and serving others in the ways that God loves and serves you. Beauty is imitating the very life that was given in exchange for your sins. This is true, authentic beauty.
We are women who are chosen, called, delighted in, infinitely loved, relentlessly pursued, cared for, forgiven, redeemed, and accepted- each and every moment that passes by each and every day, ladies.
Your identity belongs in Christ, not in the image that the world deems as necessary for you to wear. Wear Christ with confidence, because God was more than just confident when He made you, just the way you are. Fight this everyday battle that we face with your faith. You can do this.
When we accept our identity in Christ, we enable ourselves to partake in kingdom living. This living is the type of wake-up call that our world needs. Kingdom living looks a lot like loving and accepting others for who they are and embracing them in relationship while we serve the Kingdom together. One of the most beautiful aspects of community is the diversity that takes place within it.
God has called us higher than the incredibly low and sickening standards that the world places upon us. Go where God leads you, not where the world wants to take you. Walk on this earth with your faith and be the change that the world needs to see. Stand up to society and spread the word. There's something about this generation that sparks revival. Start the revival of real, authentic beauty and reject the labels that society tells you to wear. Your label is one worth wearing because it's got Jesus Christ written all over it. And guess what? This label is priceless because it's completely underserved. Don't rip yourself of the One who gave His all for you.
Go and spark the revival that this world needs.
It's waiting for you.