I was in church last night. That wasn’t unusual, but what happened there was.
The worship service was finished, the preacher had preached her last breath, altars were filled with prayers and the singer was singing her heart out, but I knew God wasn’t finished – He had more to give.
He told me to go up on the pulpit and share the Word He’d given me.
I didn’t do it.
God had a chance to do more and I quenched the Spirit. The opportunity was lost because I didn’t move – all because I didn’t obey.
I knew He wasn't finished and I let Him go silent.
I said to Him, “If they ask for anyone to give a testimony then I will share.”
He said, “Go.”
I said to Him, “Should I go up to the preacher for permission.”
He said, “Go.”
The music faded away and the sanctuary was being emptied. God wasn’t finished yet and they were leaving the building! God wasn’t finished yet and I had disobeyed.
The moment lost.
I was Moses telling God I couldn’t speak.
I was Jonah telling God I had other plans.
I was doubting Thomas.
Who am I that I should man the pulpit?
Who am I that I should have a voice?
Who am I that I should be noticed?
He said, “Go. It’s not about you.”
I confess to you that I didn't move. I am convicted this morning. I will confess to the preacher - not for her forgiveness, but guidance. I never want to miss this opportunity again.
Fear was the enemy.
Self was the culprit.
Let God arise and His enemies be scattered.
I confessed to Him. He has forgiven me, but the opportunity to touch a soul is lost to me.
I know I operate in the Secret Place with a yielded heart and it's easy obey there and write what He so freely gives. But can I speak? Can I put myself out there? I use to teach and I use to preach. I did it then without a yielded heart - I just did it. I’m so afraid of moving in the realm of self that I lie frozen, paralyzed and yes, disobedient. I know I need to move in the world with a yielded heart. Lord, help me!
God had an opportunity to bless and I hindered it.
I don’t ever want this to happen again.
Please pray for me.
Has this ever happened to you?
“Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective." James 5:16