Angel with One Wing

For He shall give His angels charge over you, to keep you in all your ways. —Psalm 91:11 (nkjv)

Barbara is my earth angel. She is the first person I call when something has gone awry or if I need prayerful support and the hand of a friend. But today her words stopped me short when I called her for prayer for an upcoming inspection at work.

“I don’t know what good I can be,” she said. “I feel like an angel with only one wing.” She gave a little laugh, but I could tell her comment did not come from a funny place. Barbara had recently retired from her job as a secretary in the chaplain’s office of our veterans hospital. “I don’t feel like I help anyone anymore.”

The odd thing was I felt the same way. Life had gotten to be too much; my heart felt tattered by life.

When I discovered a pair of carved wooden angel wings at a gift shop, I knew exactly what I would do with them. I’d give one to Barbara and I’d keep one, with the words of Luciano de Crescenzo close in thought: “We are each of us angels with only one wing, and we can only fly by embracing one another.”

Thank You, Lord, for friends with only one wing. Help me always to embrace them. —Roberta Messner
Digging Deeper: Prv 12:26, 27:9
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