Leadership is one of my least favorite subjects to talk about. Yet it’s probably where folks say I’m the strongest. I think so much of what we call leadership today is really just management: moving tangible resources around to accomplish things.
Leadership is more. It’s about the intangible. It’s about hearts.
Often, when I see the word “heart” in Scripture, I substitute the word “desire.” I got this from the Psalms somewhere, but it stuck. Try it. God wants our hearts, right? To me, that means He wants us to “desire” Him.
Leadership is about you helping people find their “desires” and aligning them. What do you want? Really want? That’s what great leaders inspire people toward—to want the same thing...together.
In my life and leadership, I’ve learned to be content wanting what God wants. Sure, I set goals, make plans, and work my butt off to make things happen. But often, it doesn't turn out the way I planned. My job as a leader is to try and align people’s hearts—what they want with what He wants. If they get disappointed, it’s up to me to help my people see as God sees and realign those hearts with His.
I don’t always know what God wants when it comes to earthly outcomes. I make the best call I can using my brain and the wise counsel of others—and a whole lot of prayer. Make an informed decision and go. Most often, I discover what God wants by how things turn out. And my job as a leader includes helping interpret what happens through the lens of my Biblical worldview.
It’s all about Him. Nothing happens that He didn't want to happen. He loves us and He’s trustworthy. So, we pick up, reload, seek His direction, and go again. To me, that’s what leadership entails. We pray, listen, decide, communicate, inspire, act, and assess. Then we do it again.
Memorize this verse:
Judges 3:31 - “After Ehud came Shamgar, son of Anath, who struck down six hundred Philistines with an oxgoad. He too saved Israel.”
I heard Dan Cathy, CEO of Chick Fil A, explain this verse one time, and I’ve lived by it ever since.
Start from where you are - Shamgar was among 600 Philistines.
Use what you have - Shamgar had only an oxgoad... a stick!
Do all you can - Shamgar struck down ALL 600 Philistines he had access to strike.
Trust God with the outcome - GOD (not Shamgar) saved Israel. Shamgar played his part, but God brought the outcome.
That’s my philosophy of leadership. Amen.