Appreciate the Creation? Know the Creator.

"God saw all that He had made, and behold, it was very good." - Genesis 1:31

Isn’t God’s creation a wonder to behold? I’m always amazed when I watch the Discovery Channel or a National Geographic special on an in-depth study of an animal I’ve rarely seen, gaining insight about what makes them unique and how they survive.

Even though God is rarely–if ever–mentioned on these shows, it causes my faith to soar, for I’m reminded that God thought of everything, every little detail in creating this living thing. Everywhere you turn in creation, there’s evidence of intelligent design–the work of the Master Artist.

Let me ask you something: When you see a great painting…Da Vinci’s Mona Lisa, a piece by Van Gogh, or a scene of American life by Norman Rockwell, do you have more awe of the piece of art than of the artist? Not likely. Yet we do this all the time with God’s creation. If we honor the creation and forsake the Creator, we miss everything. The best way to appreciate creation is to know and appreciate the Creator.

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