Approaching God

Pray: Almighty God, You have the sole right to make the laws. I want to be the one who willingly obeys them...

Read:  Exodus 24:1-18

Reflect: How did the people respond to God’s Word?

So much of the story of the Israelites seems to describe elaborate attempts to approach God. Altars are built, beasts are sacrificed and their blood splashed about all through the Pentateuch (the first five books of the Bible). It is clear (see Exod. 20:24) that these rituals are carried out at the Lord’s command. But really, does it not all seem a long way from God’s original purpose: that he might walk with us in the garden in the cool of the day? It is because the Israelites are a sinful people that they need to go through all this ritual before only a few of them can properly meet with their God.

The Lord keeps himself in a high place. Moses and the elders climb up only after blood and worship are brought together in a way that seems to foreshadow the passion of Jesus himself. In Matthew 26:28, Jesus indeed describes the shared wine as “my blood of the covenant” The Christian’s way to an open relationship with God is certainly not easier than the one needed by the Israelites. It’s just that someone else has shed his blood and become the sacrifice for us.

Apply: Thank the Lord that, because of Jesus' sacrifice, you can come to him simply, any time, any place, for any reason.

Closing Prayer: Lord, keep me mindful of all that You have done for me. Help me keep a good relationship with You.


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