Follower vs. Fan. Is there a difference?
- Followers are committed. Fans can be fickle.
- Followers trust their leader. Fans trust in their leader only when it benefits them.
- Followers want a vision. Fans want a show.
- Followers ask "What have i done for you lately?" Fans ask "What have you done for me lately?"
- Followers are in for the long term. Fans are in for the short term.
- Followers have an intrinsic connection; it's not about wearing a t-shirt. Fans have an extrinsic connection; it's ALL about wearing a t-shirt.
- Followers don't care who gets the credit. Fans draw attention to themselves.
- Followers want connection and community. Fans want an autograph and a selfie.
- Followers believe that what they are part of is truly making a difference. Fans believe that what they are part of is simply making a memory.