Are You Expecting Too Little Of God?

For the first several years of our marriage, Lisa and I lived in apartments because, like many young couples, we didn’t have enough money for our own place. We often visited model homes—but only to dream.

Then the time came when we were able to buy a house. Without question, the prevailing factor in our decision-making process was the price. We found that the most economical option was a low-end tract home. There were approximately a half dozen floor plans to choose from, and we went with one of the least expensive options.

Still, we were so excited when the day came to pick out our interior finishes. Our salesperson brought us into a showroom where many beautiful materials were displayed. There were all sorts of marble and travertine tiles, a variety of wood floor finishes, beautiful cabinets, and a host of lush carpets. We saw exquisite crown moldings and unique fireplace stone.

Then our salesperson pointed us to the section of the showroom where we could pick out our materials. There were no marble or travertine options. In fact, there was no tile of any sort. Maple, oak, and pine cabinets were also entirely absent from the space. There was no crown molding, fireplace stone, or wood flooring to select from. Our only choices were low-grade carpet, linoleum flooring, and cheap compressed wood cabinets.

We kept asking for better materials but continually heard the response: “It’s not available for your home.” We left feeling deflated.

We live in a world that is reflective of our experience in that showroom. We’re often told, “You can’t. Don’t get your hopes up. That’s too lofty of an idea. Fit in and be normal. That’s out of your league.”

Often the thinking behind such comments seems reasonable, so we resign ourselves to lowered expectations. But what’s the truth?

Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us.
Ephesians 3:20 NKJV

This scripture communicates quite a different message than our experience in the showroom did. God does not give us limiting parameters. His borders are beyond what we can see, dream, imagine, hope, or ask for!

This is why Paul passionately prays that we might know and understand:

…what is the immeasurable and unlimited and surpassing greatness of His power in and for us who believe…
Ephesians 1:19 AMP

Stop for a minute and consider what this verse says about God’s power.Immeasurable. You cannot measure it. Unlimited. There is no limit to it. Surpassing greatness. There is no power greater in the universe. And notice, all of this power is in us! It’s not power we can periodically get from the throne room. It’s in us already.

Fear, disappointment, and negative experiences can cause us to expect less from God than He is able to do. But none of these forces is an authority on God and His power. He loves us, and He wants to use His power on our behalf!

Have circumstances or worries kept you from believing God will do something remarkable in your life? Craft a prayer based on this declaration from His Word:

God can do anything, you know—far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, his Spirit deeply and gently within us. Ephesians 3:20 The Message

What will you begin to believe for today?

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