Are You in a Dead Zone?

Can you hear me now?  How about now? Those words are spoken from time to time by anyone who has ever used a cell phone.  Even with more and more cell towers going up and the latest coverage offered, there are still many dead zones.

At our family lake cabin, there is a clear difference between which carrier has the better coverage.  I have watched many people holding their phones with an outstretched arm on our patio looking for a bar of coverage to make a call or send a text.  It’s entertaining to watch.

When I have not been able to get service, I have been bothered about it.  How about you?  In reality, is having no phone coverage for a little bit really a bad thing?  We are so worried about checking our text messages, our Instagram, Facebook, and emails that the idea of being stuck in a dead zone seems to be cause for alarm.

In our desire to be connected to the world with our phones, we have become slaves to technology. Just before I started writing this, I was working on my Bible study and I got a text.  I was going to reach for my phone to tell my husband, yes, I can talk now, and then it hit me… I was in my quiet time with God. There was not an emergency and my husband would understand if I finished my study before I called him.  I almost chose to set God aside to answer a text.

That knee-jerk reaction to grab my phone and forget about my time with God was a reality check.  How many times a day do I reach for my phone to check social media? Am I more concerned about how many bars I have, who is posting what, and what is trending than I am with God? What about you?  Are you more concerned with those things than your relationship with God?

Finding the best coverage when it comes to our cell phone seems to be an important thing.  However, shouldn’t we be more concerned about finding the best coverage for ourselves?  It should be much more alarming to be in a dead zone that applies to our salvation rather than our phone, and sadly for many, that is not the case. At the end of our lives, the number of bars we had, the number of texts, tweets, and posts will mean nothing. What will matter is, are you covered in the saving blood of Jesus?

God offers the best coverage for us in the long run and His coverage is free to all who seek Him. There is unlimited coverage and you will never experience a dropped prayer like you do a dropped call. With Jesus, we all become sons and daughters of God, which means as far as plans go, there is no other family plan like His. Okay, maybe that is a bit cheesy, but it’s true… Jesus is the only way to avoid the dead zone. In John 14:6-7, Jesus said, I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you really know me, you will know my Father as well.”  (NIV)

I challenge you to put your phone down for a while each day and spend time with the Lord. Dig into your Bible, take time to pray, go to church, and fellowship with other believers.  Get to really know Jesus so that you will know the Father as well.  Being covered in the saving blood of Jesus Christ is the best coverage there is. It is the only way to avoid a dead zone.  Put God first!  I am not saying to avoid your phone and social media, just that God should be our first priority. And, by all means, share that coverage with others.  Don’t let those you know and love be lost in a dead zone when they could have eternal life.

Written by Kim Chaffin

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