Are You Sure, Lord?

Have you ever thought, I don’t know how on earth I’m going to do this? Sometimes we can feel overwhelmed by what God is asking us to do. We doubt our abilities and question His direction. Are you sure Lord? we ask.

When the tasks at hand seem impossible, we have a God who can make a way. In his Bible study, “Overcoming Fear and Insecurity,” Dr. Stanley shares these four important lessons we can learn from the life of Gideon:

  1. Feeling afraid or unworthy doesn’t disqualify us from being used by God.
  2. Exchanging our viewpoint for God’s perspective is essential to winning our battles.
  3. The Lord is prepared to confirm His will.
  4. When we obey God despite our weaknesses, He gets the glory.

Gideon was an imperfect person who served a perfect God. The Lord dealt patiently with his insecurity and quieted his fears. God lead the way and Gideon followed, confident in His Lord’s ability to win the battle.

What has God called you to do? Who has He created you to be? Do not fear. Trust the Lord. He will guide you when you keep your eyes on Him and follow His ways in faith.

Written by Linda Canup

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