Are You Too Busy?

I’ve always been adventurous, but storm chaser I’m not; at least not by choice. While I wouldn’t purposely look for a storm, I do have a bad habit of creating a flurry of activity that keeps me feeling like I’m in the middle of a F5 tornado.

Take yesterday for example. The wind started kicking up before I ever got out of bed. My mind was racing about everything that needed to be done. With no time to waste I was up, dressed and out the door. There were things to be done, people to see and places to go. By nightfall the storm had taken its toll and once again I flopped in bed exhausted knowing I hadn’t spent time with God.

I know the solution lies in my inability to say "no" to some things. But how do I choose what to say no to when everything I do is good?

Martha knew exactly what it was like to be in the middle of a flurry of overwhelming activity. Her F5 tornado began when she decided to invite Jesus and his friends to dinner. It was a noble mission and she got right to work. No doubt she planned an awesome menu and probably pulled out her best china. There was no time to waste sitting at Jesus’ feet.

It didn’t take long for Martha to realize she’d over committed. Her solution was to get help, but Jesus’ solution was to change her perspective on the predicament. Yes, there was a meal that needed to be prepared, but Martha’s sister Mary had chosen to spend her time siting at Jesus’ feet and according to Jesus this was the better choice.

Do you know what it’s like to be too busy and miss out on time sitting at the feet of Jesus?

After considering Martha’s story I’ve found 3 principles to consider the next time I see the storm clouds of busyness brewing:

  1. Even noble missions can overwhelm us. Knowing this ahead of time will help us make the right choice.
  2. Our activity robs us of the better choice. In Jesus’ reply to Martha’s plea for help he said, “Mary has chosen what is better and it won’t be taken from her.” When we choose the activity of serving God above the activity of being still before Him something has been take away from us.
  3. We’ll never find peace in the midst of our self-created storms without changing our perspective. Jesus never told Martha not to finish the meal. He just pointed her to the only thing in life that is really needed; time with Him. When our perspective changes, our priorities change.

Rushing around chasing self-created storms and hoping that we will somehow, by osmosis, feel God’s peace will never happen. If you are like me and know what it’s like to continually be robbed of the better choice because of the decisions we make then I hope you’ll join me today by first taking time to sit at His feet.

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