Are you fulfilling God’s call on your life?
When asked that question, you may think, “I want to—but I don’t know what I’m called to do!” There could be a few reasons for this. The first question to ask yourself is, “Have I sought God earnestly?” God rewards those who diligently seek Him in faith (see Hebrews 11:6), not those who casually seek Him in wonder or doubt. If anyone earnestly seeks God, fully expecting an answer, He will reveal to them what He’s put them on earth to do.
After I was saved in my college fraternity at Purdue University, I immediately started seeking God’s desire for my life. I was a student of engineering and worked every other semester at IBM. One of the things that motivated me to know my calling, in addition to a simple desire to obey God, was something that happened just a few months after getting saved. I was in an office with a group of engineers celebrating a man’s thirty-eighth year of service to the company. We were casually chatting, and the man said to all of us, “I’ve hated coming to this job every day for thirty-eight years.” Everyone else in the room either agreed or snickered, except me.
I was in shock.
As a rookie among these seasoned professionals, I wondered why no one else commented differently. So I blurted out, “Why have you done this for thirty-eight years if you’ve hated it?” He looked back at me and said, “It’s a job.”
I too had started having an aversion to coming into work. My dad was an engineer, and he said it was a good profession that was secure and paid well. But this encounter caused me to change my outlook. I thought, no money, security, or anything else is going to keep me from my reason for being placed on earth. I made up my mind right there that I would find out what God had called me to do and what the next step was to move toward it.
In the years since then, God has taken me on an adventure I never thought possible. God’s dream for your life may look different than you expect. That’s certainly been the case for me! But I can promise you this—when you find your calling and walk in obedience to it, you will experience the deep joy and fulfillment God created you for.
Do you know the course God has marked out for you? Have you taken the time to seek God earnestly, believing He will lead and direct your steps?What about you?
God has placed a specific call on your life. It may be to the marketplace, to ministry, to engineering (mine wasn’t), to parenthood, to government, to the arts, and beyond—but never doubt that God created you on purpose for a purpose. He made you to play a vital role in building and advancing His kingdom.
Wherever you find yourself, I encourage you to commit to a journey of discovery. The good news is God wants you to discover your calling even more than you do. Give Him your wholehearted pursuit and He will give you the answers you seek.