Ask for Help

Psalm 34:1-7 

David finds himself in an extremely unfair season of life: hunted by the king he served and forced to reside in a cave with 400 misfit followers. David’s first response to his problems, amazingly, is to seek God. He announces his dependence upon God at the very outset of his trials (Psalm 34.4-7).

When we face seasons of difficulty, it’s easy to turn to God as a last resort. We manage the situation as best we can, but when it begins to spiral out of control, we invoke God to come to our rescue. Instead, we should come to God at the outset of our difficulty. Psalm 34.5 is a powerful promise, “Those who look to him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame.” We will never regret seeking after God. We’ll only wish we’d gone to him sooner.

Admittedly, God doesn’t always reconcile our situations in the way or timing we’d prefer. But that doesn’t mean we stop seeking him. Continually seeking God is a powerful act of yielding our wills in dependence to his. In this humble act of seeking God, we declare our dependence upon him, even when it doesn’t make sense to us. This is worship!

Today, take a moment to ask God for help with whatever unfair season you’re in right now. Explain to God in detail why you feel this is unfair and challenging. Be bold since God already knows what you’re going through. Then ask him to help you. Declare your dependence and commit to worship him no matter the outcome.

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