There’s lots of buzz today about freedom. People are talking freedom from terrorism, stress, doubt, laws, anxiety and financial burdens…blah…blah…blah. But they aren’t experiencing the freedom they so desperately desire.
Gurus, counselors and celebrity motivational speakers tell us if we live a certain way, think the right thoughts, take a special course online or even vote for a particular ideology then we can be set free. These may offer a kind of temporary freedom – but it doesn’t last.
The best source for real, long lasting freedom is found in only one place – Jesus, the Son of God. Jesus said to the people who believed in him, “You are truly my disciples if you remain faithful to my teachings. And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” John 8:31-32 (NLT)
Unfortunately, His words fell on deaf ears.
The same is true today. People are rejecting the greatest source of freedom ever for a lie. Instead of accepting Christ’s freedom, people willingly put themselves in bondage over and over again to a variety of people and things. It’s all about not wanting to give up control because we live in a culture that’s absolutely consumed with self-entitlement. It’s a brutal and empty cycle that can only be broken supernaturally.
So if the Son sets you free, you are truly free. John 8:36 (NLT)
The cross that Jesus hung on is an incredibly vivid symbol of freedom. When we decide to accept the work He did for us on that tree, His shed blood and the empty tomb; we will never be the same again. The most powerful person on the planet is one who has been set free by the living God. History is filled with examples of world changers that were set free by His truth and love.
Only Jesus can set us free to experience life the way we were meant to live. When you know who Jesus is, then you will know who you really are. Your life will take on a whole new sense of meaning and purpose.
Have you experienced real freedom that only He can offer?