Baa Baa Black Sheep

There’s a term for people who don’t fit in: black sheep. These are the people who are so very different from everyone else that they stand out like a black sheep in a flock of white sheep. Maybe you’re the black sheep in the classroom—the one who can’t seem to get along with the teacher and always gets into trouble. Maybe you have a black sheep in your family—an older sister who got caught doing drugs or a dad who bailed when he found out your mom was pregnant. Sometimes family members are embarrassed, almost ashamed, by the black sheep. They think that one person’s choices are a bad reflection on them.

In Jesus’ family there are no black sheep. Jesus became one of us so that no one would have to be left out. “Jesus, who makes people holy, and all those who are made holy have the same Father. That is why Jesus isn’t ashamed to call them brothers and sisters” (Hebrews 2:11).

When Jesus gave you his perfection and holiness, he gave you the permission slip to call the all-powerful, all-knowing, all-holy God “Dad.” When Jesus talks about you, he doesn’t shake his head and say, “I can’t believe what she has been doing lately” or “I’m so embarrassed he’s in the family.” Instead, Jesus puts his arm around you and says, “Hey, sis! What’s up, bro! I’m happy to see you!”

By the way . . . there are still plenty of black sheep in this world who don’t know that Jesus has given them the right to be in his family. Tell them the good news. Let them know they belong.

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