Most of us know Bathsheba as the woman who took a bath on the roof and ended up being summoned by King David. We know her as the woman who ended up pregnant with a son from a man who was not her husband. The woman who mourned the loss of her husband after King David had him murdered to cover up his sin. Bathsheba grieved the loss of her infant child, gone as a result of God’s displeasure with David.
This is not a pretty beginning to her story. On the contrary, it’s the story of a woman tangled up in a messy situation—full of deceit, murder and loss. A situation she did not seek out, sin she did not provoke, lies she did not initiate. Tangled in a mess; circumstances stacked against her.
But God in His infinite wisdom made sense of it all and in His loving ways restored an ugly situation to help bring His greatest plan into fruition.
Bathsheba became the mother of Solomon.
Solomon became heir to his father, King David.
Solomon and Bathsheba, both became part of the genealogy of Jesus. (Matthew 1:6)
I don’t know if your story is a tangled mess or not. I don’t know if the situation you may be in is due to your sin or others. But I do know, that just like Bathsheba, the beginning of your story, does not have to be the end.
The beginning of your college years, don’t have to be the way your college years end.
The beginning of your marriage doesn’t have to be the way your marriage is in 5 years.
The beginning of your parenting years don’t have to define you as a mom.
God forgives us.
God restores us.
God uses us for His glory if we are willing and available. He is a master at turning the ugly into something absolutely beautiful.
1. Is there any sin holding you back right now?
2. Are you allowing God to restore and heal your past, letting go, to bring Him glory? What part of your life do you want to be better in 5 years than it is right now?