Be a Helper

“Would you please come here? I need your help,” calls your mom.

“Time to help me mow the lawn,” says your dad.

Don’t you just feel like saying, “Mom, really? I’m playing with my dolls” or “Oh, Daaaaaaad! But we’re in the middle of a game.”

Whenever your parents ask for your help, it always feels like you are the only one in the whole entire world who ever has to do chores. (By the way, you’re not. Every kid I know has to pitch in around the house.)

King David had no problem asking God for help—all the time. He often called out to God and said, “Hear, O Lord, and have pity on me! O Lord, be my helper!” (Psalm 30:10).

What’s amazing is that the God who is in control of the entire universe actually loves helping. He doesn’t say, “Ugh! Aww man, do I have to?” He doesn’t think it’s a waste of his time. He thinks being a helper is awesome, and he loves it when we ask him to help. He is interested in your life, and it makes him happy to be involved. Whatever you need help with—your friendships, your parents, your problems—talk to him. Ask him to be your helper, and don’t be surprised when he says yes. Then, like King David, you get to say, “God is my helper! The Lord is the provider for my life” (Psalm 54:4).

Chomp on this!

Do you have something in particular that you need God to help you with?

Say a prayer about it as a family right now.

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