Be Courageous. Take the Risk.

Discomfort and reward are not always exclusive. Discomfort sometimes accompanies me when I write. The blank page that must be filled and a prayer that I’ll somehow, some way have something worthy to say is behind every sentence, every semicolon, every period. But great reward always replaces discomfort once the puzzle pieces of thoughts and ideas fit into a harmonious outcome. Then, when the last period is put on a page that moves me, a deep satisfaction resonates inside my soul.

This is what I was made for.

I sense God’s pleasure and His delight because I am fulfilling His will and purpose for my life, but I would never know this satisfaction without discomfort.

Why do we insist on reward without discomfort? Why do we sometimes believe that if we are in God’s will, His plan and calling for our lives should be easy? Why do we hide behind security and what’s “safe”?

Why do we refuse to risk?

Is God calling you to do something for Him that makes you uncomfortable? Here are a few obstacles that rob courage and destroy forward movement. If any of these describe you, pray, ask God to make you bold, then do the opposite:

Show me the map, please.

Some people refuse to risk because they want to know exactly where God is taking them. God says, “I want you to become a businessman for Me.” They say, “God, I am happy to become a businessman, but I need you to lay out the entire plan. Show me the map for my life. I need to know how you are going to get me from where I am to where I am going to be five years from now.” And God says, “I want you to trust Me. I want you, like Abraham, to step into the unknown and go where I am calling. This is why it’s called faith.”

If you want the entire map up front, understand that this is never the way God works. He may reveal Point A and maybe even Point B, but He will never illuminate the entire path before you. If you want to fulfill His plan for you, don’t demand that He give you all the answers before you take the risk.

Make me qualified first.

Other people refuse to risk when God calls because they allow their imperfections and beliefs about how unqualified they are to immobilize them. They say, “God, there are so many people who are more qualified than me. I don’t have what it takes to do what you are calling me to.” And God says, “I know you don’t have what it takes, but I do. I want you to trust Me. I am enough. Don’t be like Moses who didn’t trust that I could use him. It’s about My adequacy, not yours.”

If you feel inadequate, remember it’s not by your might, or your power, but it’s by the Spirit and His power that you can (Zechariah 4:6).

Only if everyone approves.

Still there are others who refuse to risk because they don’t want to go against the flow. They don’t want to upset someone close to them who disapproves of their new direction. They say, “God, I would do what you want, but I can’t because there are too many people opposing me and I am not sure that I can handle their disapproval.” And God says, “Who do you fear more? Man or Me? You live for Me; I will take care of them.”

If you fear what others think or how they will disapprove, ask God to forgive you for not trusting. Then, ask for the courage to stand up when others are telling you to sit down.

Is God calling you? Be courageous. Take the risk.

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