Be Different

Lake Hillier in Australia is pink. Not simply light pink, but bubble gum pink, Barbie pink, cotton candy pink.

It looks even weirder when you see that just a small strip of trees and sand dunes separates it from the Southern Ocean (also known as the Antarctic Ocean), which is blue—like normal-looking water.

Scientists have a couple of guesses why the water is pink. Some think it’s from a dye produced by microorganisms; others think bacteria live in the lake’s salt crusts, but those are just guesses. Whatever it is, Lake Hillier is different.

You are like Lake Hillier. The Bible says, “Don’t become like the people of this world. Instead, change the way you think. Then you will always be able to determine what God really wants—what is good, pleasing, and perfect” (Romans 12:2).

Faith in Jesus means that you don’t look like the rest of the world. When other kids are disrespectful, you listen to your teachers. If someone is being bullied, you speak up. You help your older neighbors with chores. Faith in Jesus doesn’t change only your actions, though, it changes the way you think. You do things for other people because you love Jesus. You stand up for what’s right because Jesus watched out for others.  

Just know that people around you will be studying you, wondering why you’re different. Unlike the scientists who can’t figure out Lake Hillier, you know exactly why you are different. And you can let others know. “Dedicate your lives to Christ as Lord. Always be ready to defend your confidence in God when anyone asks you to explain it. However, make your defense with gentleness and respect” (1 Peter 3:15).

In a world of blue water, be a pink lake.

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