Be Fearless

If you want to be like God—and that really is your calling, according to Genesis 1:27 and Ephesians 5:1—you’ll have to cast off some habitual traits and step into a new mode of being. And that new mode has no room for fear. Why? Because God is not afraid of anything. Never has been, never will be. He is above every concern, every worry, every threat. As someone made and remade into his image, so are you.

Or you should be, anyway. That doesn’t mean he has no grace for those worries and concerns you’ve had. He certainly does. But he has called you higher. He has invited you to share his heart, which is infinitely big yet still has no room for anxiety. He has placed you in a secure relationship with him, granted you the name and authority of his own Son, and raised you into new life. Yes, you live in a broken world full of dangers. But those dangers can’t threaten the substance of your new life. They can’t touch who you really are if you don’t let them.

So don’t let them. Be fearless. Live in the confidence of the Spirit who fills you and rises above every threat. You will have tribulation in the world, but you have overcome the world, just like your Master (John 16:33). Refuse to get sucked into the worries that once plagued you. The ability to overcome is somewhere in your relationship with the Father, Son, and Spirit. Ask for eyes to see it, and you will find your fearlessness.

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