Be Inspired

Cleaning my room, the word "inspire" popped into my head. Each year I love to choose one word that I feel like God is calling me to push towards and become. This year, inspire is my word. This word is a little different from the kinds I usually choose such as: obedience, compassion, or patience. There was a major point God was trying to get across to me through this exact encounter with Him about my word for the year. It made me reminisce on why this word meant so much to me.

I thought back on all the important people in my life that encouraged me in massive ways to continue forward, whether or not they even knew it. I thought of all the times I witnessed beauty from the women around me, my co-workers, parents, friends, you name it, and how badly I want to strive to be like them. As a teenager it is definitely not easy to keep that positive outlook on life but I decided I want more. By the grace of God I have been saved and forgiven; I have been shown true life and beauty and that is what we are here for, girls. To go out and show that insane divine love to the ones who have never felt it for their own.

I want to be a bearer of good news to the world when they’re filled with so much negativity around them. How can we impact the ones around us, but for the better? What little things can you do to change someone’s day? If we are made in the image of Christ then surely people will notice there is something different within all of us, we can go out and inspire. My favorite verse in the bible comes from Isaiah 55:12, “You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands.”

The world is waiting for good news, to be led, to be inspired. Although sometimes it seems that the society around us is slipping into a very negative generation that is all false news. We know the truth, and it is our job to remind the people around us with doubt, depression, anger, jealousy, or anything that we can all struggle with, that the world is a beautiful place. God gave his only son so that we may have refuge and not try to do it all on our own.

Make a point today to find in your life one person who has inspired you. Shoot them a text or give them a call and remind them just how much they mean to you. It’s your turn to keep the cycle going.

 Written by Madi Cowell

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