Be Kind

Kindness is one of the fruits of the Spirit - Galatians 5:22.

Remember, Jesus said that we shall be known by the fruit we produce. An apple tree will produce apples, an orange tree, oranges. A fig tree will not produce thorns!

Let our speech be tempered with kindness today, for it could just defuse a potential explosion.

A kind word could just change someone’s day (or life, in fact).  I remember clearly, like it was yesterday, walking down the aisle towards the platform, about to speak to a large assembly of men seated in a big tent. As I walked past a man seated next to the aisle, I felt prompted by the Holy Spirit to touch Him on the shoulder and say three kind words to Him, “God loves You.” I never saw his face but just placed my hand upon his shoulder as I walked past him, and whispered those words into his ear.

About three months later, we received a letter from one of his family members to say that he is now a Believer, following after Jesus, and that his life was totally changed through the “Mighty Men’s Conference.”

But the interesting point was that it was not the event, nor the music, nor the preaching that changed his life. Apparently, it was when I walked past him, touched him on the shoulder, and shared three kind words with him that changed his life forever.

“Hatred stirs up strife, but love covers all sins” (Proverbs 10:12)

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