Be Still and Know That I Am God

I was raised in a Christian family and went to church all my life. I took for granted that I knew Jesus as my Lord and Savior, but found out later I did not.

Before, I tried to do everything on my own; I tried to achieve all my goals on my own without any help. I thought that I did not need anyone; I could take care of everything myself. Most of the time, I stayed mad and angry at everything and everyone.

God will make you be still and listen. At the age of 21, I ended up in the hospital flat on my back. During that time, I found a peace while lying there. God was with me and He did hear my prayers. As it says in Matthew 6:33, “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.”

After putting God first in my life and experiencing a true relationship with the Him, I learned that He is in complete control of my life and all things; I should sit still, listen and do His will, even when I didn’t think it is possible or doable.

Today, I am working for Richard Childress Racing as the rear tire carrier for the #29 Holiday Inn team. I have three championships and over 30 wins in my career; I am living the dream of my life–one I thought I could never achieve.

However, I receive a bigger blessing when I am able to share my testimony with people in the world of motorsports. People ask me all the time how I got my job. I always say, well that is a funny thing–God put me flat on my back and showed me that if I would sit still and listen, He will add all the things that I could possibly imagine; and I just praise Him for it!

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