Be YOU … Like Jesus

Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father.

John 14:12

Wow. What a promise Jesus gives us here. Greater works, really?? It seems too awesome to conceive. However, when the Savior of the World declares His belief in us, I don’t know about you, but I’m going grab hold of those words and believe them!

What holds us back from believing this verse is we relate these words to visions of walking on water, healing every person, and raising folks from the dead. Those acts seem so far out of our league that we disqualify ourselves from the truth of this verse. But what if we removed these magnificent images and first and foremost, allowed Jesus’ words to encourage us to BE like Him and to walk through life like He walked. Only when you can BE like Jesus can you DO what Jesus did.

We all can aspire to be like Jesus simply because of the fact that He was a human being who walked on this earth and faced the same issues we all face. Just like you and me, Jesus dealt with family drama, staff problems, financial pressures, and friendship betrayals. He even felt the emotional pains of stress, the loss of close friends, and of course, so much more than we will ever face. He had to wrestle with all the dysfunctions of life, but he never bowed down to them. He just kept looking to His Heavenly Father, speaking God’s thoughts and moving it all.

YOU were created to be like God, and Jesus came and walked on the earth to remind you who you really are. When you embrace this truth, it elevates the sense of who you are. You will believe you were made to represent God in your world … not to suffer and struggle through the pain and drama of life. You are to walk as Jesus walked, never bowing to those negatives that try to pull you down.


Today when you are facing a trial, think, “How would Jesus respond to this?” Then believe YOU have the strength and courage to respond the same way.


Father, I believe the same Spirit that resided in Jesus now resides in me. Thank You, Holy Spirit, that You lead and guide me throughout my day. Thank You for divine wisdom, integrity, and strength.

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