Be YOU … Without Any Add-Ons

But whoever did want (Jesus), who believed he was who he claimed and would do what he said, He made to be their true selves, their child-of-God selves.

John 1: 12 (Message) 

When a gifted sculptor creates a sculpture, it is a beautiful work of art to behold. But then if someone comes by and adds on a coat to it, then a bag, then a blanket, and then maybe even smears a little mud on it, suddenly it doesn’t look at all what it was meant to look like. The sculptor himself might not even recognize his own creation!

Yesterday, we read that YOU were created in the likeness and image of God. That image, that “sculpture” is the real YOU. The core of who you are is the thumbprint of God Himself, and His character, and His thoughts and ways have been carved into the depths of your heart. But for many of us, the world has come along and clipped some add-ons to that sculpture. Things like: anger, fear, depression, eating disorders, constant worry, lust, or pride. Over time, we accept these add-ons as part of who we are, forgetting they were never part of God’s original sculpture.

Jesus came to remind each of us who we really are. He came to once again make YOU your true self, your child-of-God self, and to show you that anything outside the original plan of being made in God’s image is simply an add-on, nothing more. So that depression you’ve struggled with for so long and accepted as part of who you are? Yeah, that’s not really you. It’s just an add-on. And that anorexia? Or that anger? Or that failure? Those things are just add-ons. And the great thing about add-ons is that they can become take-offs.

Some of these add-ons, you might have been carrying around a long time, so it’ll be a process to free yourself of them completely. But know this: YOU, the core of YOU, is created in God’s image. And this Be YOU Devotional is all about helping you to get back to that original design, and to rally you to turn all those add-ons into take-offs!


Any part of you that isn’t made in the image of God and His character is simply an add-on. Accept that these things are not YOU, and they don’t have to be a part of your identity. You can Be YOU without those trappings. Ask God to help you.


Father, I believe You have given me the power and desire to be that original sculpture, a person made in Your image. I believe I am full of life and power. Help me to walk in strength and integrity so I can let go of any add-ons in my life.

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