Because of the Resurrection, I Am ...

I believe none of us can begin to comprehend the magnitude of what Easter means for those who have asked Christ to be their Lord and Savior. I’ve studied the doctrines of being a follower of Christ for years, and I’m sure in God’s eyes I’ve just graduated from kindergarten. But this I know: I am not who I used to be (praise the Lord), and because of Christ’s work at the Cross, I am much, much more.

Because of Christ:

I am regenerated – which means I’ve been born into the family of God, given a new nature and become someone I’ve never been before, a person adopted into God’s family, unconditionally accepted by Him for all eternity – John 3:7, 1 Peter 1:23

I am forgiven – which means nothing I have ever done can separate me from the love of Christ or His care and protection. God’s acceptance of me is not based on me being perfect and never messing up. I am redeemed.  – Ephesians 1:7, Colossians 1:14

I am given free access to God – which means I am continually welcomed at His throne of grace with the mat at His feet that says, “Welcome, Pam. Come on in.” Never will there be a time that God’s ashamed of me and turns me away. He’s my heavenly parent desiring to guide me in this life.  Romans 5:2, Ephesians 2:18 

I am a possessor of every spiritual blessing – which means everything I need to live this Christian life has been granted to me through God’s grace gifts: His Word, the Holy Spirit, prayer, faith, wisdom from above, Christian fellowship, and more.  Ephesians 1:3

I am under grace and not under judgment – which means I don’t have to live under guilt, shame, accusation, a set of rules, or condemnation. God’s grace covers me when I hear the enemy’s lies and His grace always provides a way of escape.  Romans 3:24-28, 1 John 2:2

I am FREE – which means nothing can hold me back from accomplishing God’s purpose on this earth – that is… nothing except my own rebellion, unbelief or lack of faith. When I yield to Jesus, He accesses His Spirit abundantly through me to accomplish what I could never do on my own.  Galatians 5:1

Friend, this is only the beginning of who we are in Christ and the glory of the Easter message. As you can tell, I am VERY PASSIONATE about believers breaking out of the “old” you and believing what God has proclaimed about the “new” you – the REAL you. Oh, praise the Lord! The cross gives us new life, revived hope, and fresh faith.


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