I am raising girls…with friends. They get it, they live it and we get to do it together.
I’d like to invite you to join us.
Meet Lynette. My friend with a heart for her family and a love for Christ that calls you into action. The kind of friend we all need. Lynette is a wife and mother of 2 amazing kids, 10 year old Breanna and 8 year old Brant.
Friends, she gets it.
I hope that you will be encouraged and challenged by her words. I am.
Our schedules are busy. Even when we create consistent habits of prayer time, it’s difficult to not rush through the long list of things we need to pray for.
Yet, our quiet time with God is critical to our growth and the faith legacy that we will pass on to our kids.
In a conference I was listening to, Bill Hybels challenged everyone with the simple statement,
“Who do you want to become this year?”
Did you notice that the questions is “who” not “what”…
You have to set aside the desire to focus on what you want to accomplish and think about who you want to become. Once you figure out who you want to be … wait for it … put it on your calendar.
This speaks to my heart.
You see, I am a calendar girl. I hate to admit it, but I love my calendar. If you were to peek at it, you would see that it’s color coded and has every possible appointment on there. Nothing is left for my brain to remember. From laundry to work meetings to designated times to work out. Although some may find it stressful and chaotic, I personally feel that it’s truly a work of art…
So, who do I want to become this year? I want to become a mother of prayer.
I’ve put “Quiet Time with God” on my calendar. I’ve written out on a note card a great example of how to pray for my daughter and I keep it in my journal.
Adding to my calendar is a great first step…but it can’t end there.
To be successful in accomplishing who you want to become, there has to be follow through.
Oh wait! Does that mean I can’t tone up my abs by just putting it on my calendar? It’s not as much fun when I actually have to get up off the couch and do the planks and sit ups. It’s painful. But, reality reminds me that my goal will never become my reality if I don’t actually DO something about and with the items I so diligently assign to the hours of my day.
No matter how fancy and colorful my calendar is … it won’t help me if I don’t follow it.
That means to become who I want to be, a mother of prayer, I have to set time aside on my calendar and then view that appointment as a non-negotiable. I show up, on time, ready to listen to what God has to say to me.
Today, take time to look at your calendar and see the craziness of your busy life through the perspective of “Who do I want to become?” Then reevaluate. Are you giving your fullest resources to what’s most important?
How will you not just squeeze time with God into your calendar, but “tithe your time” and give God the best of your schedule?
When you set your appointment with God, show up ready to become who He has called you to be.