Becoming Poor

So far the largest lottery ever won was for $656 million. What in the world would you do with $656 million? Would you get a limo? Buy a mansion? Buy all the candy in the world? Get a huge pool and throw a party for your entire school?

What if you decided to give it all away? If all that money is yours and you say, “No thank you. I’ll give it to someone else.” Every. Single. Penny. Oh, and on top of that, you give away everything else you had before you won too. Does that sound too extreme?

That’s what Jesus did. “You know about the kindness of our Lord Jesus Christ. He was rich, yet for your sake he became poor in order to make you rich through his poverty” (2 Corinthians 8:9).

Jesus had everything, all the glory in heaven with the Father. He was willing to give that all away because you are that important to him. He couldn’t stand the thought that you would be separated from him forever in hell, so he lived for you, suffered for you, and rose again for you. You have now won the biggest spiritual lottery ever.

Jesus became poor so you would become rich. Thank you, Jesus!

Dear Jesus, when we read the Bible, over and over we see your kindness. You were willing to give up all the riches in heaven so you could be treated miserably and horribly for us. You gave us your winning lottery ticket—the entrance to heaven. There aren’t enough words to tell you just how thankful we are. Amen.

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