Being and Doing

There’s always tension in our lives between “being” and “doing,” with the latter usually getting most of our attention. Most of us have to-do lists; hardly anyone has a to-be list. Yet at some level or another, what we do is always a product of who we are. Our nature produces our actions.

Since that’s the case, it seems that we would pay particular attention to who we are—our hearts, our core issues, the nature God is working into our spirits. But we don’t. The action items seem more urgent and pressing. They shout more loudly. They demand that we meet deadlines and live up to responsibilities. In a culture of productivity, most of those around us demand that we produce. They don’t care what’s going on inside us as long as we get results. 

God cares more about the heart than about the results, mainly because if the heart is right, the results will come naturally. That’s why he focused on the heart of kings (1 Samuel 16:7) and conforms us to his image (Romans 8:29; 2 Corinthians 3:18). Sooner or later, we do what we are. We may be able to fake it for a while, but inner character eventually shows.

Resolve to focus more on being who God has designed you to be rather than on doing what he has called you to do. The being is primary; it has to be, otherwise the doing will suffer. Let yourself be transformed within, and transformation will soon work its way outward.

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