Beware of Big Foot!

In 1958, several very large footprints were found, which has led some to believe in the existence of a Sasquatch -- or Big Foot. We’re still looking, of course, so if you find him, please let us know! However there’s another footprint that could really mess up your life and believe it or not -- it’s your own!

It’s your own “social media footprint”.

Many companies now check a job applicant’s “social media footprint” before hiring. According to some job and headhunter sites, assessing a candidate’s social media presence is one of the top things recruiters do. So here are some things potential employers check out that may disqualify an applicant from being offered a job.

Badmouthing Employers. Employers realize that some have the habit of creating discontentment in the work place – so never be critical or spread gossip about an employer online. Instead, we should be an encouragement. “[Employees], be submissive to your [employer], not only to those who are good and gentle, but also to those who are unreasonable” (1 Peter 2:18).

Getting too personal. Another thing potential employers look out for is applicants who don’t demonstrate discretion by sharing too much personal information.

Questionable Content. Risqué photos, foul language, shady activities, drug use and sexual references can cost an applicant a job. Even inflammatory political posts can be offensive.

Contradictory posts, such as, “I was in an accident and unable to work for a week,” which doesn’t sync with photos of the person water-skiing the same week. Employers are looking for people of integrity that they can trust.

I love what 1 Corinthians 10:31 says, “Whether, then you eat or drink or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God”. And that includes the Social Media Footprints you leave. I encourage you to think twice before you post.

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