Beyond the Clouds: Beauty From Pain

Have you ever been through a difficult season of grief?

I know what it’s like to go after your dream with a part of your heart missing from the equation. Do you know what loss does? Loss makes you feel like a piece of your heart is missing.

I want to help you process your painful time. I want to share a vision God gave to me about the sky.

God is able and capable of creating the sky and He is more than capable of creating a positive outcome out of a negative situation.

As I watched enormous clouds decorate the sky, it was difficult to imagine anything beautiful. The clouds were dark, and I thought a storm would come through. I sat there for at least 30 minutes, reading and eating a snack.

Eventually, the dark clouds swung sideways like a curtain and moved from my view to reveal an elegant dark blue. In fact, God mixed some green in with the blue and my heart leaped at His design. 

You might wonder what all of this means. Well, depression is similar to a few dark clouds. When you battle pain, all you can see is the dark clouds. You never expect hope and joy to reveal itself beyond your pain. Negative emotions put your life and memories in a fog… Food doesn’t taste like it used to, activities no longer bring you pleasure, and a cloud of darkness hangs over your head. This dark cloud, my friends, is the power of grief and pain.

Although life is tough, you serve a greater power that has preeminence over heaven and earth. The power from Jesus Christ will break every chain over your heart.  Don’t judge your life by the cloud you’re in. Wait for the storm to pass and you will see your situation for what it truly is. Analyzing your problem under the fog of negative memories will increase your pain. For example, it’s the same as going under water without your goggles. How can you choose a wise direction with poor eyesight? It’s difficult to swim with clarity. You have to wait for God to pull back the curtain of darkness that hangs over your soul. Once the curtain falls, and the storm clouds pass, you’ll be amazed at His glory, your story, and the beauty He can birth from pain.

Be encouraged! God will paint a mural of radiant colors behind your dark clouds! Do not fear. He is with you. He knows you by name and He will birth your hope right out of your pain. Despite the pain you are up against, I want you to have a dream. Despite the barriers that come, I want you to praise! See, your moment of grief is the best opening for God to show up and show out in your life! Your moment of grief is God’s opportunity to reveal how miraculous He truly is. God weaves rainbows out of the rain! In fact, let your spirit sing! Sing like the sunrise and step out of your clouds. You will rise again!

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