God rewards our obedience. Years ago, God led us to purchase property for the expansion of First Baptist Atlanta. We began to pray that He would provide the funds we needed.
I also prayed specifically that He would show me what He wanted me to give. I had given financially but sensed there was something more that He was requiring.
It wasn’t long before He began to impress upon me to give my camera equipment to the building fund. I love photography. It is my favorite hobby. However, God’s conviction was strong and to the point. There was no way I wanted to avoid making the right decision. I knew that my obedience would lead to blessing. If He wanted my cameras, I wanted to give them to Him. After all, He owned them anyway.
A few days later, I sold my equipment and gave the money to the building fund. Many of the other members of our congregation also gave personal possessions and treasures. It was a great time in our fellowship for seeking God’s will with our finances and also allowing Him to prove His faithfulness to each one of us. When it came time to sign the paperwork for our new property, we had the money we needed and did not have to borrow a single, copper penny.
Several months later, a woman rang my doorbell. When I opened it, I noticed she had two very large shopping bags. She asked, “Are you Charles Stanley?” I didn’t know what to think but I replied, “Yes, I am.”
Then she said, “This is for you.” She set the bags down and turned and walked away. I looked inside of one of them and immediately recognized my camera equipment. God had returned every lens and every camera body to me. Is this the way He works? I believe it is. Many times, He tests us to see where our true devotion is located. Is it in “things” or is it in Him?
Where does your devotion lie?
Today’s post is an excerpt from Dr. Stanley’s article “Life Principle 23: You Can Never Outgive God.”