Do you know anyone who is blind? I've acquired some life-changing information about spiritual blindness from people who can't see the physical things I see every day.
1. Seeing with Two Pairs of Eyes
First, I've learned that the eyes of my heart are far more important than the eyes of my body. I could be physically blind yet have very accurate spiritual vision, and conversely, I could have 20/20 eyesight while I'm blind to my own sin and the glorious things of God.
In fact, I've found that my physical eyes often deceive my spiritual eyes: "For the LORD sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the LORD looks on the heart." (1 Samuel 16:7) I would encourage you to train your "eyes" to look beyond the physical existence of something (or someone) and attempt to see what God sees.
2. Humbly Accepting the Condition
Second, I've learned how important it is to humbly accept the condition of blindness. I have yet to meet a physically blind person who denies their blindness; they know the full extent of their condition and they make the life adjustments necessary to function.
But for spiritually blind Christians (myself included), we're always denying our spiritual blindness. Even when the Bible is explicit about our debilitating condition, we try to find excuses and shift the verdict of Scripture. I would encourage you to humbly admit that you don't see yourself and your world with accuracy.
3. Receiving Assistance and Guidance
Third, I've learned that it's not enough to simply accept the condition of blindness, but to reach out for help from others. A physically blind person doesn't say, "I know I'm blind, but I'm going to go about my day alone." No, they reach out to their community for assistance and guidance.
Spiritually blind Christians need to do the same. Don't just mumble the proper theology like "Oh Lord, I'm so spiritually blind!" and do nothing about it. I would encourage you to reach out to other brothers and sisters and ask to be guided in your walk with God.
4. Longing for Perfect Vision
Finally, I've learned how important it is to long for perfect vision. A physically blind Christian knows literally what it means to say, "I want to SEE Jesus face to face." When eternity comes, they'll truly see for perhaps the first time in their life.
As spiritually blind Christians, the same is true for us. When Christ returns, we'll see everything with accuracy; the glory of God will be on full display, not clouded by our sinful and selfish hearts. I would encourage you to anticipate that day when the eyes of your heart will see with clarity.
- Think of several examples from your everyday life similar to 1 Samuel 16:7. What does man see that God does not see (or vice versa)?
- Why are we tempted to deny the condition of our spiritual blindness?
- Why are we tempted to not reach out for assistance and guidance?
- How can we reach out for assistance and guidance?
- Why should we anticipate the return of Christ? How can we anticipate?