Guilt Trip to Avoid: I do not go to church.
I pray for you . . . asking God, the glorious Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, to give you spiritual wisdom and insight so that you might grow in your knowledge of God. Ephesians 1:17-18
This year we planted a variety of flowers. The pansies have bloomed steadily ever since we planted them as soon as the snow melted. In spite of a cloudy wet spring, their perky little faces greet us each morning. The salmon-colored impatiens push higher and wider, and the red, white, and blue petunias are looking good. But the tiny stalks of Vinca appear stunted. I wonder if they’ll overcome whatever challenge they’re facing.
The reactions of flowers to the weather remind me of the varied reactions we have to Christ. Some embrace God’s love and grace and profusely bloom as new Christians. They appreciate their salvation and excitedly tell others about Jesus. Others go through seasons, needing time to study and understand the gospel. They’ll bloom later.
Some, like the Vinca, show no evidence of growth for a l-o-n-g time. But by the grace of God and nurtured by other believers, they respond. That’s why it’s important to be planted in a church where we hear and discuss God’s word. There we learn to give of our money, our time, and our talents. There we learn to work in harmony. There our first petals may freely open in praise of God. Whatever the season, we can grow in Christ.
Take the Joy Ride: Paul prays that his friends at