Breaking the Chains of Addiction - Overview

Being addicted to something means that you have become dependent on a particular substance, thing, or activity. Addiction affects people from all walks of life and is no respecter of status, gender, race, wealth, or position.

The world will always try to offer something to you that promises love, joy, peace, or comfort, but the truth is it won’t give you those things. It will fall short of these promises, and then your addiction will start to own you. It will make you want that thing you’re addicted to more than you want anything else.

But there’s good news! God is calling out to you right now, offering real love, joy, peace, and comfort. And more than that, He offers you freedom from addiction through Jesus.

This growth plan is filled with posts to offer you guidance, encouragement, and hope in Jesus to help you take the steps you need to take to break free from your addiction and find your fulfillment in Jesus’ love. 

If you are struggling with an addiction, get help now. Talk to your pastor or a counselor about the steps you need to take to overcome it. If your addiction could potentially threaten your life (such as drug or alcohol abuse), go to, or call the Lighthouse Network Care Guide at 1-877-562-2565. They are there to help you. If you feel like your life may be in danger because of your addiction, check yourself into a hospital to get the help you need. Don’t put this off. Jesus came to set you free from what shackles you. It’s time to take the steps toward freedom.

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