Bring Your Friends!

Jesus’ power healed people simply when they touched his clothes. There’s another cool part to this story, too:

“The men there recognized Jesus and sent messengers all around the countryside. The people brought him everyone who was sick. They begged him to let them touch just the edge of his clothes. Everyone who touched his clothes was made well” (Matthew 14:35,36)

Some people recognized Jesus and couldn’t wait to share that great news. Today, you’d probably text your friends, but these people didn’t have phones or electricity or anything. So they sent some guys to run back to the town to tell everyone, “Jesus is here! The one who heals people is close by.” The sick people wouldn’t have known he was in the area if the healthy people hadn’t shared the news.

There are people around you who might be physically sick too and need your prayers. There are probably more people around you, though, who are spiritually sick. You get to tell them, “Jesus is here! The one who heals your sins and your diseases came for you!” Invite them to church, pray for them, and share the stories about Jesus so they know that he can make them well.

Tell people that Jesus can heal them—that’s what you can do.

Dear Jesus, help me be as excited as the men in this story who recognized you. Let me be a messenger, telling people around me that you are with us and that you can heal both our bodies and also the hurts and illnesses on the inside. Amen.

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