Bringing Light to the Darkness

God is light. In Him there is no darkness. This is a powerful truth, for where there is light, there is vision. Where there is vision, there is hope and recovery of sight. Where there is sight, there is revelation. Jesus is called the Light of the World, and we likewise are to bring light to the darkness around us.

So what can we learn from our Savior’s example? Hear how He described His approach to life:

The Son can’t independently do a thing, only what he sees the Father doing. What the Father does, the Son does. John 5:19 The Message

Everywhere He went, Jesus brought God-wonder. If He, the Son of God, could of Himself do nothing, then we in and of ourselves can do nothing without the enlightened insight of the Holy Spirit.

Enlightened understanding is critical in a world of darkened foolishness. It is true—what you behold, you become. We must allow an inward vision and imagery of light to override our surroundings. With eyes of understanding we will recover the wonder of just how vast our God is. Then we can…

Go out into the world uncorrupted, a breath of fresh air in this squalid and polluted society. Provide people with a glimpse of good living and of the living God. Carry the light-giving Message into the night… Philippians 2:15 The Message

We are to live out His light to the darkness and let the lost and hurting world see into our transformed lives. We do not hide from darkness; rather we dispel it. It is time we rescue all who are yet captive and desperate for a message of hope!

How can you bring light, hope, and vision to an area of darkness and need? Ask the Holy Spirit to enlighten you to see as He does. Seek Him, and He will give you the grace to carry His goodness to your world!

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