Twenty-nine, single, business owner + mom. Not quite what I had pictured growing up, but that’s the funny thing about life. It usually is never quite what we think it’s going to be, right? And in my case, I am forever grateful!
I grew up in a Christian home, trusted God at an early age and basically thought I was set from there. I had my whole ten-year plan laid out and everything in my life, for the most part, was going according to that plan. It wasn't until I was out of college that my world was turned upside down. I went from being the Christian sorority girl to becoming pregnant after being slipped a date rape pill by a stranger while I was on vacation. Nine months later I was a single mom. I went through a whirlwind of emotions: denial, guilt, shame, anger, confusion and did I say denial? I always wanted to be a mom, but this was not the way I dreamed of it happening. I distinctly remember having a conversation with God and telling him “No, this was too much. I can’t do it.” I truly and deeply doubted his plan. By his grace and love, I came to accept his plans and came to know him even better.
And this is where I started to learn what it means to be a parent; from our perfect, heavenly Father. Like any good parent, you know sometimes you have to let your child go through difficulties so they can grow to reach their full potential for who God wants them to be. After trying to control things for so long, I finally decided to let go and let God. Even though I had been far from God, he still loved me and invited me in to experience freedom, hope, joy, and deep, deep love. Little by little he started to reveal his beautiful plan for my life. It didn’t take long for me to realize God knew me better than I knew myself. He was just waiting to give me this life that was far better and far more beautiful than anything I would have ever even imagined for myself! I now have the most beautiful daughter who brings so much joy, laughter, and spontaneity into my life! She’s the best thing that ever happened to me!
Being a mom is the most wonderful, messy, hard, and most rewarding job in the world. Can I get an Amen? I don’t think anyone; married or single can be fully prepared for this role or know what they are doing. (At least I hope I’m not alone in this! ) Every child is different. It becomes hilariously clear that we can’t do it on our own and that we must we ask God for help. But you want to know what's the greatest news ever? As Christians, we have access to the ultimate teacher, who just happens to be the perfect parent!
But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore, I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses so that Christ's power may rest on me. (2 Cor 12:9)
I have clung to this verse over the years, and time and time again I have found when I believe in it I always find an unexplainable, invincible sort of strength. The kind of strength only God can provide! So, do I know how to be a parent? NO! Does God? YES! So can I do it? YES. He equips us every step of the way!
This sort of living changed my thinking on life. If God could not only get me through, but equip me for what I thought was the impossible, he can do anything in my life. I started to live with a “yes” attitude. Ready to take on whatever adventure God threw my way. For the first time in my life, I had the guts to pursue my dreams. I come from a family of entrepreneurs. I always knew I wanted to start my own business, but never quite had the courage to do so until now. I felt God’s gentle nudge in that direction. After much prayer and encouragement from my friends and family, I started Accessory Jane (along with my sweet mom) and handed it over to the Lord.
As a mom and a business owner, I have worked harder, slept less, laughed more, said “I’m sorry,” dreamed bigger and had the most fun of my life. Never before have I experienced the true goodness and nearness of God! He doesn’t call us to be perfect. He doesn’t call us to have all the right answers; he just calls us to follow Him. One thing I have noticed that always brings me peace is that if that’s where God wants you, he will always provide! God has been so good to make my path clear these past few years. He has opened up doors I would have never imagined, and He has stretched me well beyond my comfort zone. God is constantly covering me in his grace for all the times I fail and gives me the strength to keep going.
I’m humbled to step back and look at everything God has done in my life and see just how much he has provided for me and Olive. He has taken my dreams and done immeasurably more with them than anything I could have imagined (Eph 3:20), and he wants to do the same with you!
Written by Liz Larsen