But I'm Just Too Busy

The warm summer days were nice and relaxing. If I wasn't babysitting, I could easily get everything I needed to get done finished and then have time left over. Then all of a sudden, high school hit me. I got involved in soccer, school, homework, and babysitting on top of that. Our soccer schedule is four days of the week, and after soccer I usually am working on homework for the rest of the day. Don't get me wrong; I'm not trying to complain. It's just that I don't really have time for much else. But sometimes my busy schedule fools me into thinking that I have an "excuse" for not spending time with God. What do I mean?

The second day of school went a little like this: my alarm went off, and I got up to start the day. I did my hair, my clothes, ate breakfast, and then realized I hadn't even spoken to my Savior at all. So I rushed downstairs and did one of those quick "thanks for today" kinda prayers and skimmed a chapter in the Bible. I went to school, went to lunch period with forgetting to even thank God for that, more school, and soccer. After soccer I got home and showered, unpacked, ate, and did homework. Then I probably spent a little time on Facebook or email and gave the excuse that I was "too tired" or "didn't have enough time" to spend any quality time with the God of the universe.

But there's no excuse. If there wasn't enough time in the morning, I should have cut back the time getting my outside ready for the day or gotten up earlier. If there was no time to pray before lunch, I should have taken part of my lunchtime and just thanked God. I mean it's not really that hard. If there wasn't enough time after school, then I shouldn't be doing soccer. I shouldn't have spent time on the Internet, and I shouldn't have just gone to bed.

What I'm saying is, spending time with God every day is so important. Bible class at school or chapel or church isn't enough. We need to be cultivating our personal relationship with Jesus Christ. How can we expect to grow spiritually if we never even talk to the One who saved us? The problem is not having enough time, but it's bad time management or laziness. If we are putting things before God, we are making them an idol. God will give us enough time each day to spend time with Him, but it may require us to sacrifice things that we enjoy doing or sacrificing extra sleep. But then again, is putting God first really a sacrifice?

God tells us in Ephesians 5:15–17: "Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord's will is."

Life is but a vapor. I want to be wise in the way I spend my time. It is unwise not to spend as much time as I can to bring glory to God. Trust me, I know life can be extremely busy, especially if you are a sport-playing, working high schooler. But just make sure you are finding ways to spend time with God. He is the most important person you can ever invest your time in.

By Kristin Losier

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