But with God

Matthew 19:26  (NKJV)

26 But Jesus looked at them and said to them, “With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”

History Behind This Verse:

Jesus was speaking to His disciples in our focus verse for today verse.   The disciples were questioning Jesus about salvation.  They were curious about how anyone could be good enough to earn eternal life. After listening to Jesus' answers they began to feel hopeless. They realized that NO ONE would ever be good enough to earn eternal life in Heaven.

Jesus heard their despair on this topic and responded to their distress with Love:

26 But Jesus looked at them and said to them, “With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”

FACT: It is impossible for any human being to live a life blameless enough to enter Heaven on their own merit.  We are all sinners!  No matter how hard we try, we all sin on a daily basis! It is impossible for us to obtain eternal life on our own terms, but with God THIS possible!!! The only way that we can enter Heaven is by acknowledging and accepting our savior, Jesus! It is only when we are covered by the blood of Jesus that we are worthy.  We must understand and accept the fact that the gates of Heaven will only be open to us through God’s GOODNESS!!!

Key Words: But, With, God

Read our focus verse again TOTALLY focused on these key words: 

BUT -  used to introduce something contrasting with what has already been mentioned.

With - accompanying; in the company of

God -  1. the creator and ruler of the universe; the supreme being.  2. God is love.

26 But Jesus looked at them and said to them, “With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”

(the second half verse 26 is written as a contrast to the first half.  The author is stressing the difference between humans and God.  Humans are very limited, but our God is not. With God ALL THINGS are possible!!

Connection to Us

God, the creator and ruler of the universe wants to be with us! He wants to spend every moment of our lives both today and forever after right beside us! We never have to worry that God is too busy for us, or wonder if He would rather be somewhere else….  because He truly desires to be with us each and every moment of our lives! The creator and ruler of the universe has declared His LOVE for YOU!  He is head over heels in love with YOU! He is waiting, His heart in His hand, to see if YOU will accept His LOVE!

NOW, the ball is in YOUR court…. you have to decide if you want to be with Him or not. You can either choose to live your life connected to the supreme being of the universe or you can choose to decline Him and His LOVE.


These three words sound like someone is having to convince us to choose God.

You have a very important decision to make. Are you going to choose to be WITH God? He will never force Himself on anyone! He has sent you a love note:  I deeply LOVE you.  Will you be WITH me? Check the box, yes or no. He is waiting for you to return the note to Him! Which box will you check??

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