Called to Serve

All throughout the word of God, we read about men and women who served God and others awesomely. People like Paul, Moses, Joshua, and Esther, just to name a few. They were all bold servants, who were willing to give of themselves, even when they knew it could cost them their very life. They were definitely servants after God's heart. Servants who lived with the understanding that their lives didn't belong to them. But, they understood that they were called to serve God, and to serve the people He created. 

Unfortunately, in our society today, there are very few leaders who understand that once you've accepted the call to lead, you've accepted the call to serve. Leading is serving. It can be no other way. Leaders are simply servants that God has equipped and empowered to share and reveal His heart in the Earth. They are those whom God has chosen to send as His response to the cries and needs of His people in the Earth. 

God needs those, whose very heart cry is "Lord, I lay down my life for you."  He needs those that are willing to lay aside their personal comfort in order to fulfill His plans and His desires. 

His desires must be first. As a matter of fact, His desires must be our desires. The needs of our Father are much more important. So much greater than our own. 

Our greatest example of a true servant is, and forever will be, Jesus Christ. Jesus came to serve mankind by giving the ultimate sacrifice. His life. He gave up everything, so that all of us could live. So that we could all have eternal life. Jesus walked this earth focused on and driven by His purpose And, His purpose was to carry out the will of His Father who sent Him. 

"For I have come down from heaven not to do my will but to do the will of his Father who sent him" (John 6:38 NIV).

 He didn't come with His own agenda. But the plan and will of God was first. 

And fulfilling purpose consumed and satisfied Him more than anything else ever could. 

“'My food,' said Jesus, “is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work.". (John 4:34 NIV)

For Jesus,  the will of the Father was more nourishing and satisfying than any meal could ever be.  There's something so amazing about walking in purpose. It's satisfying and fulfilling. That's what your Father desires for you.  That, as you answer the call to serve, you would find walking in your purpose nourishing and satisfying. 

As a servant, you have to make up in your mind that no matter what, my will is to do the will of Him who sent me. 

The will of the Father may not be the most popular way. It may not be the easiest.  But your mind has to be made up.  Some of you may find that once you completely lay down your life and begin to walk in the perfect will of God, some people may actually choose not to walk with you. That's okay. People may come against you and even talk about you. Some will tell you that you're too radical. 

Sometimes you may be tempted to conform and compromise.  But, don't worry about pleasing man. Don't let the fear of man, what they will say or what they will think stop you. 

Servants must let go of a personal desire to be accepted and liked by everyone.  That is a carnal and fleshy desire. Lay down your life.  Lay down your personal need to have your ego stroked. Remember, when God choose you to serve, you didn't enter a popularity contest. He who dies with the most toys and friends doesn't win.  Your goal is to please Him and Him alone. And, God is pleased when we carry out His will in the Earth. When we bear fruit for His kingdom.

When you produce much fruit, you are my true disciples. This brings great glory to my Father. (John 15:8 NLT)

His will must be first. You are called to serve.

Pray that God will give you a heart to serve.

Find ways to serve the people on your job and in your communities. I have to end by sharing the words of Mother Teresa.

“At the end of life we will not be judged by how many diplomas we have received, how much money we have made, how many great things we have done.

We will be judged by "I was hungry, and you gave me something to eat, I was naked and you clothed me. I was homeless, and you took me in.” 

― Mother Teresa

Writer Pastor Pamela Bell

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