Calling Upon Help

Have you ever had a day where you were simply tired? Whatever it is about this time or moment, it is seemingly more difficult than usual to connect, concentrate and focus. God never leaves us but our minds have to make more of an effort to realize it. We can easily become engulfed in the issues of this life and forget that He is there.

If we are wrapped heavily in ourselves, how can we clearly hear what God may be saying to us? How can we receive the gift of His grace to get us through if we are focused on trying to use the works of our own human strength to make things happen?

We need help. Now I know that many of us do not like to ask for help in our times of need, but that is an issue. Seriously, think about it. How often do you genuinely call upon help?

We cannot do everything on our own; when we are tired and at the end of our ropes, it is imperative that we stay connected to the body of Christ.

We have all heard the African Proverb "It takes a village to raise a child." This too is true in the Christian community. We are children of God and it takes a village [body of Christ] to raise us. We need the body of Christ in order to love, live, and survive. We cannot do it all alone and we honestly need the support. There are so many things going on around us that can keep us distracted and stagnant.

Sometimes people think, I am going to work harder and harder to get to where I want to be, but the mentality we should have is to work smarter. If we work in a qualitative and productive way, then everyone can reap the benefits rather than the motive being self-gratification.

"Rather, speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ, from whom the whole body, joined and held together by every joint with which it is equipped, when each part is working properly, makes the body grow so that it builds itself up in love" (Ephesians 4:15, 16 English Standard Version).

I find myself afraid to ask for help and be dependent on another's help because I have a fear of being left hanging or, rather, abandoned. Some folks are not consistent and do not always follow through; but human beings are not perfect so we will make mistakes. That is not the problem; the problem is that we rely too heavily on people and not enough on Christ.

It is God working in and through a person's life that provides the necessary help, so essentially, we need to be calling upon Him. He knows exactly what our needs are, how to make things happen, and who will be there to help. He knows the hearts of the people.

"Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good! Blessed is the man who takes refuge in him" (Psalm 34:8 English Standard Version).

God provides for His people. You will never be without if you put your trust in Him.

Doing what is necessary and essential to get the proper care for yourself is key in being able to help others. We must be equipped and ready to do God's work. Not only is God waiting for you but the people He has ready for you to serve are too.

Written by Francine E. Ott

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