Q. I want to go to a Christian college, but I also want a certain amount of freedom. I've always been someone who's a bit of an "alternative person." Not that I do anything bad, I just dress differently than a lot of people and have ideas that don't always match up with people at my church. What do you think? Could I survive at a Christian college? Do you think a Christian college can tolerate me?
A. Most Christian colleges can definitely tolerate you; and you can survive them. What I hope will happen is that you will "thrive" because you feel accepted and welcome. Most campuses have students who dress in many different ways. Few of them have strict dress codes.
I think you'll have many of your questions answered by visiting schools you're interested in. Spend a night in the dorm. Attend some campus activities. Visit a few classes. As you do, think about how you would fit in. Talk with some students who dress like you or who share their ideas freely during class discussions. Ask them how they feel about being at that college.
Some schools are more comfortable with difference and with freedom to express oneself than others. I hope you will find one where you can not only be yourself, but be free to discover who God is intending for you to become.
Written by Judy Moseman