Some plants are incompatible. That means they just don’t like each other. They don’t belong near each other. If they are planted by each other, neither one will grow well. You can’t plant celery by corn because they both attract beetles. Do you like pumpkins and potatoes? Well, they don’t do so well next to each other. Peas won’t grow well if they are put next to garlic and onion.
Gardeners have to pay attention to their work; otherwise, their gardens won’t grow and all that hard work means nothing.
You are incompatible with this world. “Stop forming inappropriate relationships with unbelievers. Can right and wrong be partners? Can light have anything in common with darkness? Can Christ agree with the devil? Can a believer share life with an unbeliever? Can God’s temple contain false gods?” (2 Corinthians 6:14-16).
God tells you to pay attention to your lives. If you hang out—plant yourself—too close to those who don’t believe in Jesus, you won’t grow as well. You can’t just play with a little bit with sin while being part of God’s family. You can’t bully and be kind. You can’t use filthy language and praise God. You can’t disrespect your parents and honor your Father. As a child of God, the light inside of you can’t stand to be around the darkness of the world. The world will try to tell you that you need to fit in and look like them. God tells you, “Don’t fit in. You are incompatible.”
Chomp on this!
Are there people in your life whose choices are incompatible with being a believer in Jesus?
How can you share your faith with them but not let yourself get tempted by them?