Galatians 5:19-25
If you planted several apple seeds in your front yard, what would grow? Apples, of course! It is foolish to plant apple seeds but then expect to reap a crop of oranges, isn’t it?
Now, let’s take that little question a step further. If you planted seeds of sin in your life, what would grow? Sadly, the result is just as logical as the consequence of sowing apple seeds.
Why, then, is the answer so obvious when we’re talking about fruit, yet so elusive when we’re dealing with sin in our own life? Many people who freely engage in wrong activities are shocked and dismayed to discover the disastrous results that always follow. Why are they surprised? It is probably because they never actually think of themselves as planting seeds of sin; rather, they see themselves as simply “having a good time.”
This is a trademark maneuver of Satan’s. With temptation, he always offers us one thing but then delivers something completely different. The good we think we are getting turns sour before we can fully enjoy it. That is because the Devil can offer no lasting joy; he serves up only lies and destruction.
Read today’s passage and ask yourself, Am I planting seeds of the flesh or seeds of the Spirit? Do I want to reap the consequences of sin, or do I want a harvest of spiritual fruit?
There is simply no comparison between the two options. As a matter of fact, you might say it is the difference between apples and oranges.